5 good tips for strategic work with sustainability

We have gathered the 5 most important tips on how you can use sustainability in your strategic work.

1) Define your vision

What difference do you want to make in the world with your business? When you leave this world – what difference do you want to look back at and know that you achieved? It is important that you and your company’s DNA shines through. It can’t feel forced.

2) Look at the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals

What goals and sub-goals can you realistically work towards achieving? Make a tangible action plan that is related to your vision. Read about all the Sustainable Development Goals and sub-goals here: www.verdensmaalene.dk

3) Involve your employees in the process

Have an active dialogue with them about your vision and the Sustainable Development Goals and let them collectively decide how they can attain those goals. It is important that you as a leader define and visualize the vision and Sustainable Development Goals – and make it tangible in relation to the company’s products and culture. Think of the quote: “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”. It has to come from within – otherwise it comes from nowhere.

4) Involve your customers in your Sustainable Development Goals

Create a movement behind them. Have an open dialogue with your customers and partners. Many say that you need to have ambassadors – but it is increasingly becoming about having customers that are actively involved in your company – and want to join your journey. It is here that you create the most loyal customers. Umbraco is an amazing example of this. They are focused on solidarity, and their community currently has 250.000 developers worldwide.

5) Use it actively in communication

Take a stand – and don’t be afraid to stand out. “Dare to be different”. The more authentic you manage to be in your communication, the better. Concurrently, you need to make it as easy as possible to understand. Both concerning your products, services and in your communication.

Most importantly, it is about “being the change” – you have to be that change you wish to see in the world.

Read about how we work with sustainability here